This is a post that I never wanted to happen, but with part sadness and celebration of the past 36 years, the ministry of Central City Community Church had their final worship service today, and the process will begin to shut down Central City Community Outreach in the following 60 days. Ministry has been continuing through this week, and lives are still being changed through the community of faith in skid row. Allow me to thank all of you from the depths of my heart for your amazing support over the decades that has kept this relational presence of God’s love in the heart of skid row for 36 years! Donors, staff, volunteers, and many groups who came to sing Karaoke! Words are not enough for the appreciation that I have for you and your faithfulness!
Allow me to briefly explain the journey and the alignment of the three major situations that brought us to this decision. First of all, a few months ago the owner of the facility gave us a 90 day notice to vacate, as they are wanting to change the use of the property. We have not had a lease with this new owner for the past 6 years, but have been on a month to month situation. We have submitted proposals for the purchase of a new property, but the major funds never materialized. Secondly, Pastor Tony has gone through back surgery over the past 6 months, and recovery has been difficult at 70 years of age. This has left a leadership vacuum that is difficult to fill, based on the lack of funds. Finally, beyond some amazing financial support in the past, monthly individual and organizational (churches & District) support has been decreasing post COVID and since we closed the SAY Yes! Afterschool program. This was also part of the reason that we did not entertain a new rental facility, but sensed that it was best to “go big or go home”, with a purchase of property. With this alignment of no facility, no leadership and limited funds, we are at peace to shut things down. Please pray for Pastor Tony and Lucy during these days, as well as the amazing leaders and members of the Central City ministry. Also feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions at all about this process. Thank you again for your support and faithfulness to this ministry that has impacted thousands of lives over the past 36 years!
Before I close, let me reflect. Beyond celebrating the past and remembering so many great memories, I still am praying for a new wave of young leaders who will radically reflect the inclusive love of God to all, and invest financially in our urban core. For many years, the CoN has given crumbs to starting and maintaining urban community development. Central City was begun on $200 a month and lasted 36 years by Gods grace and sacrificial staff, volunteers and donors. But that which is not watered-or invested in-does not thrive! The church and CMC’s have been the prophetic voice of compassion, justice and inclusion for ALL regardless of race, language or orientation, declaring the reality of Isaiah 61. May the “church” be a true NT church that “says welcome to the poor” Bresee.
I end with a quote of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, one of my heroes of faith:
“The Church must be the prophetic voice, which cries out “thus saith the Lord”, speaking up against injustice and violence, against oppression and exploitation, against all that dehumanizes God’s children and makes them less than what God wants them to be.”
Let it be so for future generations of our urban world.